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friction characterization

For my mechatronics capstone, I worked with a team of students to create a theoretical model of static and dynamic friction, and compared it to a physical model.


animal cell 

The textured animal cell is paired with a texture-to-braille translation, and is used to teach biology to blind and visually impaired children.


This PPE is designed to protect eye doctors from COVID-19 while using binocular indirect ophthalmoscopes.

Cough box

This device assesses a person's health based on the sound of their cough.

Basketball desk toy

This toy launches a basketball into a hoop and down a slide. This project won the award for Most Ambitious at the UW WOOF 3D Club Modeling Competition in 2019.

cat rocket

This project won the award for Best In Show at the UW WOOF 3D Club Modeling Competition in 2020.

cat bike

This was my final project for my Introduction to Computer-Aided Design course.

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